Recently, WhatsApp, I mean Facebook has launched the web version of WhatsApp. Yes! WhatsApp is the most popular instant messenging app and till date, it was used in smartphones. To use WhatsApp in a PC, we had to use emulators. But now it is available in web version also which means you can use WhatsApp web version directly from your computer but there is a small limitation that both the devices, computer and mobile must be connected with the internet otherwise you will not be able to use this service, and one more thing, WhatsApp web version works with Google Chrome browser only. So, lets have a look over the procedure to connect your WhatsApp account with WhatsApp web version and use it in your computer.
1. Open WhatsApp in your mobile and from the menu, tap "WhatsApp Web" option.
2. In the next step, WhatsApp will ask you to scan the QR code available on the WhatsApp web page.
3. Now visit from your pc using google chrome browser and scan the QR code given on the page using your phone's camera.
4. After scanning the code your mobile will be paired with WhatsApp web and you will be able to use your WhatsApp account from your computer.
Gud work but it it only for windows phone.