Recently, Indian government has blocked so many sites and most of them were
 very useful for students and programmers. I don't know what's wrong with them
 and why they are doing this type of sh*t on the very first day of year. Well, it is
a good step to stop piracy but blocking the sites is not a good idea because on
 these sites, we get educational materials and so many good stuff also. By the way,
 like other people, I'm also not satisfied with the decision of government to block
the access of particular websites. So, here is a solution for all the poor people who
 want to access these sites without doing any geek thing or any difficult task like
DNS Masking or adding proxies to your web browser etc.

 You can access any blocked site easily using a tool called "UltraSurf" which
 was made by Ultrareach Internet Corporation to help people in China to find
freedom online and access any website. This tool is now loved by million of people
 including me and this is because this tool is very easy to use and you can surf blocked
 sites without making any changes to your browser. So here is a short tutorial for using UltraSurf.

 Download UltraSurf Tool from this link and extract the file and run the exe file.
> Now you will see that your PC will be connected with a proxy automatically with UltraSurf

> Now an internet explorer window will open automatically but you can close it and
use your favorite browser.
> Now try to access the blocked site in your country. You will see that after turning
 ultrasurf on, you will be able to open the blocked site..

PROOF-blocked site opened

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